Where today's students prepare to be tomorrow's Christian leaders.
AcademicsOur students thrive academically, achieving top honors while embracing Christian values. Learn what makes Northside different in our pursuit of Christ through academic excellence.
The heart of our school is our belief in nurturing the whole child in Christ, and we make sure every part of our program helps us achieve that. From our constant striving for academic excellence to our outstanding fine arts and athletic programs, we teach students how to pursue Christ, connect with others, and excel in all they do, all from a Biblical perspective.
Northside Christian School has been providing an excellent Christian educational program to Charleston-area families since 1975. We have established a reputation in the community and state for a fully-developed, balanced, and high quality school program.
- Safe, secure facilities that are inspected regularly
- Regional, state, and national accreditation
- Teachers certified by SCACS and actively involved in local churches
- Proven core curriculum shown in student standardized testing scores
- Academic, fine arts, and athletic excellence all with a Biblical worldview

Child Care
Ages 1-2 and Grades K3-K5
What we offer
- Early arrival care at 6:30am
- CPR and First Aid certified workers
- Outdoor and indoor play
- Summer day camp and field trips
- …and more!
Secondary Division
Middle School and High School
Grades 7-12
What we offer
- Bible courses
- Physics, Anatomy, Calculus, …
- Dual Enrollment classes
- Honors classes and degree
- National Honor Society
- Yearbook Staff
- SCACS and AACS fine arts competitions
- …and more!
Elementary Division
Grades 1-6
What we offer
- SCACS fine arts competitions
- Intramural co-ed sports
- Private music lessons
- …and more!
For information about Dual Enrollment, course selection forms, National Honor Society, school supply lists, lunch menus, and other student information, visit the Student Resources page.
Academic Subject Philosophies
1. The proper study of history begins with a proper concept of man and of God.
Secular: Man is a highly evolved animal, can do as he pleases, controls events.
“God” is a figment of the imagination, necessary only for the weak.
Bible: Man is created in the image of God, with free will, with accountability.
God allows man great freedom, but He controls all events providentially.
Rejects: Anthropology: rejects evolution, materialism, naturalism, determinism, etc.
Theology: rejects atheism, agnosticism, pantheism, secular humanism, etc.
2. The proper study of history requires an accurate, objective selection and presentation of facts.
Secular: Begins with an erroneous world view and ignores facts that contradict it.
Bible: Considers all facts. Selection is a valid sample of all pertinent information.
Rejects: Rejects revisionism as bad history produced by a distorted agenda.
Rejects “social studies” as a replacement for objective, substantive history.
3. The proper study of history requires an accurate, objective evaluation of facts.
Secular: History repeats itself endlessly, driven primarily by economics.
Bible: History demonstrates that adherence to God’s laws produces prosperity. Violating them results in ruin.
Rejects: Rejects multiculturalism and any notion that diverse cultural values are indifferent, or that their application to everyday life produces no discernible difference.
4. The proper study of history provides an integrating perspective.
Secular: No intelligent beginning (big bang), driving force (economics), or ending (cyclical).
Bible: Begins with creation, continues under providential control, ends in two eternal destinies.
History is linear, and the two keys for integrating all events are Israel and the Church.
Rejects: Rejects evolution, naturalism, materialism, determinism, fatalism, existentialism, etc.
5. The proper study of history provides a providential perspective.
Secular: Not a possibility.
Bible: The facts demonstrate the accuracy of “the fullness of the time” for Jesus’ birth.
The facts demonstrate God’s wonderful orchestration of Reformation elements.
The facts demonstrate God’s providential care for Israel for over 4,000 years.
The facts demonstrate God’s prophetic plan will be literally and perfectly fulfilled.
Rejects: Rejects the notion of random happenings or of even a single random happening.
6. The proper study of history provides a personal perspective.
Secular: The individual must forsake his individuality, being absorbed into the group. Personal excellence, regionalism, and patriotism are discouraged.
Bible: Each believer has a gift to exercise. The whole church, and by extension the whole world, profits when he utilizes it, and likewise suffers when he does not.
The true historian celebrates individual excellence, regionalism, and patriotism.
Rejects: Rejects the current emphasis on self-image, multiculturalism, and globalism
Northside Christian School, with much prayer and deliberate care, employs faculty and selects curricular materials with the specific purpose of teaching history from this Biblical perspective.
1. Mathematics is the quantification of God’s empirical reality.
Mathematics provides a way to measure and describe some of the characteristics of created reality such as count,
order, length, width, height, circumference, area, volume, weight, time, speed, distance, force, and probability, to name just a few of the more obvious objects of study.
2. Mathematics, therefore, is a discovery, not a process of invention.
However, like the virtually infinite practical applications and uses of electricity, so there are virtually limitless
applications and uses of mathematics. Pythagoras, for example, formulated his theorem to quantify the reality
which he discovered existing between the sum of the squares of the two sides forming the right angle of a triangle
and the square of the hypotenuse. Certainly he did not invent, much less create, that relationship.
3. Mathematics incorporates a body of facts and procedures.
Both are critical in arriving at an accurate conclusion. If the student follows all the right procedures for long division but thinks that 3 x 3 = 10, he will always get a wrong answer. If he knows the facts but fails to utilize proper procedures, such as performing the internal operations before removing parentheses in algebra, he will
likewise arrive at an erroneous conclusion.
4. “New math” is not necessarily bad math.
Many proper and very useful concepts in what is known as “new math” have been rejected by traditionalists. For example, two hours past 11:00 AM we call 1:00 PM, not the military 13:00 hours. We use base 12 every day. The cornerstone of computer language is binary code, which operates on base 2. Set theory and other
mathematical ideas associated with new math are very useful. Regrettably, the lack of emphasis on mastery of the
facts resulted in many parents and traditional educators throwing out the new baby with the bath water.
5. “Traditional math” is not necessarily good math.
An overemphasis on drilling the facts can also lead to undesirable ends: students get bored because no thinking is
encouraged, and they hit a sort of stone wall at Algebra I, since they failed to understand the concepts behind the
facts and procedures. An excellent Christian school math program will insure that elementary students grasp the
concepts underlying the facts and procedures they master.
6. True mathematics demonstrates absolutism.
The Christian student believes with his whole being that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh
to the father but by [Him].” He is not a way, but the only way. He therefore embraces the mathematical notion
that only one answer is right and that all others are consequently wrong. In higher math there may be several
acceptable answers constituting a set of right answers (X x X = +1, where X= +1 or X= -1), but all answers not in
the set are wrong. Feelings and sincerity have no bearing on the correctness of the solution. Few disciplines
reward factual and procedural precision as consistently and immediately as mathematics.
7. True mathematics demonstrates that actions have consequences.
The Christian student is also familiar with this concept: all thoughts and actions have temporal as well as eternal
consequences. Biblically, this is the law of sowing and reaping. Small errors in calculation an engineer might
make in a bridge design could prove disastrous, whether the error was unintentional or not, factual or procedural, or for whatever other reason. Properly accomplished, a safe structure results and people cross formidable
obstacles with safety and sometimes thoughtless ease.
1. The proper study of science adheres to the requirement that there be an observer.
Any hypothesis or theory must be based on observations; otherwise, it is not science.
We therefore reject the theory of evolution since there was no scientific observer.
2. The proper study of science adheres to the requirement of replication.
Any hypothesis or theory must be based on a replicable process; otherwise, it is not science.
We therefore reject the “big bang” as a theory of origins since it cannot be replicated.
3. The proper study of science limits itself to empirical phenomena.
True science makes no statements regarding the possibility of non-empirical reality.
We therefore reject any attempt of science to postulate theories regarding theology (the existence
of God), epistemology (the nature of truth), the reality of the soul, or the validity of any of the
attributes of personhood, whether human or divine.
4. The proper study of science does not make a priori assumptions.
For example, uniformitarianism (all processes exist now and proceed at the same rate as always)
is not science: it is assumption and circular reasoning, since it assumes what it intends to prove.
We consequently reject carbon dating as valid for determining the age of the earth. If we accept
creation as a working hypothesis for ultimate origins, we would also accept that all things are
created with the appearance of age (trees, not only seeds). Northside teaches without apology
that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” and that He did so in six twenty-
four-hour days, about 6,000 years ago.
5. The proper study of science does not conflict with a proper study of the Bible.
Though the Bible does not speak exhaustively of science, it does speak accurately.
All apparent conflicts are misunderstandings of either science or the Bible. Science continually
revises and modifies its tenets, and occasionally we clarify our understanding of Scripture.
Although this statement is a matter of faith, its validity cannot be refuted scientifically.
6. The proper study of science reveals the glory of God in every aspect of His creation.
His “eternal power” and “godhead” are evident in every scientific discipline (Romans 1.20): for
example, power and divinity are displayed in astronomy, geology, biology, anatomy, physiology,
zoology, chemistry, physics, etc. Although we gain a greater appreciation of His wisdom,
omnipotence, benevolence, orderliness, and immutability by observing the creation, we do not
make the environmentalist (pseudo-scientific) nor pantheistic (pseudo-religious) error of
worshipping the creature-creation rather than the Creator.
7. The proper study of science is restrained by the proper study of ethics.
It is obvious that current scientific technology has progressed far beyond current ethics and
morals. Science cannot determine whether or not we should do things (e.g., cloning) simply
because we can do them. Proper ethics is rooted in moral absolutes, which is beyond the proper
scope of science. Absolutes are limited to the absolutely infallible Word of God, which is the
expression of the nature and will of the absolutely immutable God.
Northside Christian School, with much prayer and deliberate care, employs faculty and selects
curricular materials with the specific purpose of teaching science from this Biblical perspective.
We teach students that words are profoundly important because they are the foundation blocks of communication.
In John 1.1 Jesus defined Himself as the “Word,” which means He is the vehicle of communication between God
and men. The Bible doctrine of Inspiration includes the concepts both of “verbal” (the words), and “plenary”
(every single word). Therefore, every change in words represents a consequent change in meaning. Good
communication is sensitive to connotations word and phrases have acquired and convey. Choosing precisely the
right word is a difficult exercise, approaching an art, and is the duty of every speaker and writer.
We are traditionalists in that we accept only the dictionary spelling of words as correct. We teach students that
creative attempts and personal variations are wrong. We reject the contemporary notion that children should
express themselves without regard for correct spelling, depending on the computer spell-check to edit their
writing. Often we must write longhand, without the benefit of a computer, and no computer catches unintended
words that are properly spelled. Spelling errors result in lowered grades.
The way words are structured so as to communicate complete thoughts is as important as the words themselves.
Virtually all acceptable variations in word order produce associated variations in meaning, or at least in emphasis.
For example, we teach students that faulty subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement are errors and
therefore wrong. Grammatical errors result in substantially lowered grades.
The oral expression of thoughts is speech, of which the Bible speaks abundantly. The Bible condemns many
varieties of unacceptable speech: lies, deceit, slander, gossip, profanity, false witness, and many others. On the
other hand, the Bible praises God-honoring speech, pointing out “that a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in
pictures of silver.” Graduation from Northside requires a credit in speech, and many of our students pursue
excellence in this area by means of a full-scale annual dramatic production and by forensics competition.
Northsiders regularly win state honors in these tournaments. Speaking well is part of being a well-rounded
person, and it is essential to being an effective witness for Christ.
The written expression of thoughts may be accomplished in several genres, such as drama, biography, fiction, and
poetry. Writing, though generally less immediately persuasive than speech, has the advantage of permanence and
immutability, which is exactly why God committed the revelation of Himself and His will to us in written form:
the Holy Scriptures. Northside puts great emphasis on writing correctly, accurately, and persuasively. Writing
well is another aspect of being a well-rounded person and it can provide a permanent witness for Christ.
We have prepared a separate paper dealing with the distinctively Christian teaching of literature.
Northside Christian School, with much prayer and deliberate care, employs faculty and selects curricular
materials with the specific purpose of teaching language arts from this Biblical perspective.
1. God is a God of communication, and we must understand clearly what He says in His Word.
The Old Deluder Satan Act established community schools for the specific purpose of teaching
children to read the Bible so that Satan could not deceive them in their innocence.
2. God’s Word consists of sublime examples of many different genres to be interpreted differently.
There is narrative, biography, epic poetry, lyric poetry, prophecy, figurative speech (simile,
metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, hyperbole), epistolary correspondence, fiction (allegory,
parables, fables), and more. Many grievous errors and some heresies are the direct result of not
applying properly the rules of interpretation appropriate to the genre under consideration.
3. Secular literature, and the liberal arts in general, are legitimate objects of the Christian’s study.
Moses, Daniel, and Paul were broadly educated in the secular academics of their day and this is one
reason they were so mightily used of God. We are instructed to think on things which are beautiful
and lovely and of good report, and beautiful music, art, and literature represent such areas, since God
gives the gifts prerequisite to the works.
4. Knowing secular writers not only assists the believer in achieving a better understanding of himself
and others but it builds a platform of commonality for befriending the unsaved and witnessing to
them. The guided teaching of erroneous worldviews common to movements and authors greatly
assists the student in offense (witness) as well as defense (guarding his own mind from seductive
errors). Disdaining good literature is not an indication of superior spirituality.
5. Students should be warned that literature is more powerful than they can possibly imagine. Good
stories disarm, engage, and persuade, which is why Nathan used a story rather than a sermon to get
to David’s heart, and why Jesus told a story about a Good Samaritan rather than preach a sermon on
the theology of the neighbor. However, fiction is just as powerful in evil hands: Rousseau caused
infinitely more damage with Emile than with his philosophical writing, and eternity alone will tell
the harm recent supernatural dark novels have inflicted on young readers, much more insidious than
all the books ever written on witchcraft.
6. Therefore, the student must have a carefully designed program of instruction in order to progress in
his ability to understand, evaluate, and reject false worldviews. Just as in mathematics, the faculty
must create a scope and sequence of age-appropriate works through which they will guide him,
during class discussion or for outside reading. Good literature, even works by unbelievers, is true to
life and therefore will demonstrate God’s spiritual laws in action, rewarding good and punishing
evil. Literature through grade 12 should be ennobling, not mirroring the seamy side of society.
7. Since all works produced by unbelievers will contain objectionable elements, Northside has
developed a written policy dealing with these issues. Briefly, works may contain some references to
the occult, to graphic violence, to eschatological realism, to erotic realism, or to immorality, but
these must be controlled, negative examples. Since there is no instance of profanity in the Bible,
works read for credit at NCS do not contain profanity.
Northside Christian School, with much prayer and deliberate care, employs faculty and selects
curricular materials with the specific purpose of teaching literature from this Biblical perspective.
Grading Information
Northside Christian School follows the South Carolina Uniform Grading Scale which was implemented before the 2016 school year.
Contact Us
Reach out to us with any inquiries or to schedule a visit, as we look forward to welcoming you to our faith-driven community.
Phone: (843) 797-2690
Email: [email protected]